

February Beauty Favorites

It's nearly March and so I have here my favorites for this month which I am pretty excited to do because I have tried a lot of new products this month and so I want to share them with you all.



What's In My Carry On Bag | Winter 2015

 So winter is coming to an end I totally forgot t o do a what's in my carry on bag post but it's not technically over since there's a blizzard outside. Anyways, here's what i have been carrying around lately in my bag:

London Haul; Fashion and Beauty | Topshop, Boots, Zara,… and more

So as many of you may know by now I went on a holiday to London a few weeks ago and now I finally came around to doing the haul, as I had a few things that I needed to upload first. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this post and it gives you some inspiration or something.



What I Recommend | Books,TV Shows and Blogs

So I did quite a lot of things on my winter break and most of the things were watching TV shows and checking out blogs and reading a bit of books here and there. These were my favorite:

Now most of the book i read is online except if i couldn't find a pdf which is quite rare because to be honest I don't find reading the book as a hard copy much different than online, plus it's free. Anyways I'll try to link the pdf to each book.

1- Kafka On the Shore - Haruki Murakami (X)


My Week In Pictures | London

So every time I travel somewhere I usually do a week in my life and so today I'm doing that, and the place I went to (which you will see a haul for soon) is London and so today I'm going to show you pictures from each day and telling you what I did.

Day 1;


Sorting Out My: Closet

Since i'm on my winter vacation and I have nothing to do i decided to sort out my closet. I haven't done that for quite a while now and my closet was basically begging for it and i thought i'd share with you guys how i sorted it out.
** I really am so sorry about how the pictures turned out, i don't have a professional camera  i use my iPhone's camera which is usually not so bad, but this time the pictures are just awful, again I'm sorry but i am saving up for a camera so the suffering will end soon.


January Favorites

I have made somewhat of a resolution to post more monthly favorites because last year I really didn't post my favorites a lot, and so it was hard to pick my year round favorites, so this is really nice to do my favorites and look back at the month I've had and what I've enjoyed in it.